Kozyrev mirrors
A Kozyrev mirrors is a device made from aluminum (sometimes from glass, or reflecting mirror-like material) spiral shape surfaces, which are able to focus different types of radiation including that coming from biological objects.[citation needed] They are named after the famous astronomer Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kozyrev, though they were neither invented nor described by him.

Kozyrev mirrors were used in experiments related to extrasensory perception (ESP), conducted in the Institute of Experimental Medicine of Siberia, division of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Humans, allocated into the cylindrical spirals (usually 1.5 rotations clockwise, made of polished aluminum) allegedly experienced anomalous psycho-physical sensations, which had been recorded in the minutes of the research experiments.
A 1998 Russian patent, RU2122446, “Device for the correction of man’s psychosomatic diseases”, relates to Kozyrev mirrors.

Kozyrev mirrors
Kozyrev mirrors are created by enclosing a space which weakens the magnetic field of the Earth, and which then provides more human access to solar and galactic information. Through numerous experiments using the mirrors, the ISRICA has focused studies in a number of areas, including human psycho-physiology, pathology of disease and health, and the evolvement of telepathic fields and remote sensing.
Kozyrev Mirros patent
In 1990-91, a precursor of the rainbow bridge experiment was conducted and entitled, “The Aurora Borealis Global experiment on Investigation of Distant-Informational Interactions in the Noosphere and their Role in the Planet-Biospheric Homeostasis of the Earth.” The conclusions the ISRICA scientists have drawn from the experiments with the Kozyrev Mirrors are often startling to the Western mind, and can best be understood within the context of the Russian school of thought known as Russian Cosmism.
Originally derived from the research of the famous pioneering scientist of the biosphere, Vladimar Vernadsky, the grand perspective of Cosmism is stated in the opening paragraph to the book, Cosmic Consciousness of Humanity: Problems of New Cosmogony (Kaznacheev and Trofimov, 1992):
“The total world human Intellect in its cosmoplanetary motion is neither derivative from nor some procreation of, the social movement (social cultural historical development). It is the peculiar cosmoplanetary phenomenon in the organization and motion of the Universe Living matter in its earth-adapted manifestation.”