Translighters Games

Human Potential Movement Games

Science, Magic, Technologies

Online Interactive, the Biointernet Show with Sergey Avdeev and Kirill Korotkov

Season 5 – 2020

Seasons 1-4 2017-2019 – Monday, 21.00 GMT+2, Prague’s Time

Beta version / free

Russian and English

These are Games in Time, with Time and Timeless

Working with Translighters Equipment, talking with inventor and developers of the Biointernet project, Questions and Answers, Experiments, Translighters Digital, Intuitive Information Sight training, Translighters Transfer, Ideas Exchange, Dice, Brain Storm, Expert-Operator System, Leader Follow, MiniMax technology, new devices and more

Free training for Translighters users. Welcome to the Biointernet!
Translighters technologies
Translighters technologies
Key words:
Intuition, The Biointernet, Intuitive Information Sight, Remote Viewing, Lucid Dreaming, Love, Expedition, Games, Play, Feel, Sense, Stock, Human Resources, Experiment, Bio-Well, GDV Sputnik, Prognosis, Bio-Well, Casino, Science, Quality of Life, Meditation, Bitcoin course, Bitcoin Price, Market Cap, Charts, Satoshi Cycle, Research, Precognition, Reiki, Cosmos, BEZ, Metamodeling, Human Resources, Metabolism, prediction, divination, forecast, oracle, prognostication, augury
Translighters Games
Translighters Games
Since 28/02/18 at 21 Prague’s time (GMT +2) and every Week, Monday
Dear Translighters Games Participants, before online meeting, please calculate and send to your results from this 3 systems: Human Design, GDVCAMERA Bio-Well and Pythagorean Square. You will really help with our Research, we will help you too.

Human Design Chart, you can calculate here:
Save PDF and send to Games at

You can calculate Pythagorean Square on any search engine, just go to Google.
Actually, you can calculate it, using pen and paper.

Human Potential Movement Games

Science, Magic, Technologies

Online Interactive, the Biointernet Show with Sergey Avdeev and Kirill Korotkov

Monday, 21.00 GMT+2, Prague’s Time

Beta version / free

Russian and English

These are Games in Time, with Time and Timeless

Working with Translighters Equipment, talking with inventor and developers of the Biointernet project, Questions and Answers, Experiments, Translighters Digital, Intuitive Information Sight training, Translighters Transfer, Ideas Exchange, Dice, Brain Storm, Expert-Operator System, Leader Follow, MiniMax technology, new devices and more

Free training for Translighters users. Welcome to the Biointernet!
Translighters technologies
Translighters technologies
Key words:
Intuition, The Biointernet, Intuitive Information Sight, Remote Viewing, Lucid Dreaming, Love, Expedition, Games, Play, Feel, Sense, Stock, Human Resources, Experiment, Bio-Well, GDV Sputnik, Prognosis, Bio-Well, Casino, Science, Quality of Life, Meditation, Bitcoin course, Bitcoin Price, Market Cap, Charts, Satoshi Cycle, Research, Precognition, Reiki, Cosmos, BEZ, Metamodeling, Human Resources, Metabolism, prediction, divination, forecast, oracle, prognostication, augury

Translighters Games

Human Design Chart, you can calculate here:

Save PDF and send to Games at

You can calculate Pythagorean Square on any search engine, just go to Google.
Actually, you can calculate it, using pen and paper.

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